Sunday 31 July 2016


some more ideas:
keas - I like the idea of using NZ birds to contextualise it, and keas work because they have pretty red underwings? which I can make rainbow. It's about being in the closet because of discrimination, the kea at the bottom has their wings hidden. and the black sticks etc are repersenting the discrimination/surrounding them.

about marriage equality not protecting you from discrimination. a bit too much with all the words maybe? you try to read them all and it takes away from the main impact.

this is a sort of combination of the above two concepts. the 'discrimination' is big mean magpies (black and white = straight), and then the fantails are rainbow. I started with them standing on a stick but then made it an equal sign to signify the marriage equality part more obviously. they also have little bands on their legs like wedding bands. I was considering making the magpies a native nz bird too to show that it's a problem within nz, but I couldn't find any agressive black and white nz birds that work as well. magpies kinda remind me of australia? which might imply that it's australians that are being homophobic (which, considering they don't have marriage equality yet is somewhat true) which is not exactly my point. 
I also want to try making the birds out of angry writing/slurs etc. probably not as distinctly enough that you can read it, because that's distracting, but so that it's a bit more directly linked.

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